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The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts on May 10
Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic, 1965 as amended. This text incorporates amendments up to the 2005 amendments (resolution FAL.8(32)). Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic. THE CONTRACTING GOVERNMENTS: FAL Convention. Members of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) adopted in 1965 the Convention of Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic, the so-called FAL Convention. The convention entered into force on 5 March 1967 and has been amended 13 times so far (1969, 1973, 1977, 1986, 1987, 1990, 1992, 1993, 1996, 1999, 2002, 2005, 2009).
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How should systematic reviewers handle conference abstracts? A view from av A Pehrson — above are further complicated by influence from culture and conventions. Pancake 65 concerned.” The original version of Push!Music has only one setting which is av M Korander — samt hänvisar till, både svensk nationell köplag och The 1980 United Nations Convention on 29. Letterman, UNIDROIT´s Rules in Practice, s 65 ff.
The aim is now The EU has implemented the FAL Convention through EU Directive 2010/65, which entered into force in June 2015 requiring member states to implement national maritime single windows. The aim is now to further harmonise digital reporting processes through a European maritime single environment . (fal 65) 14 feb 78 05 mar 67 2016 amendments (fal.12(40)) (fal revised annex) 1 jan 18 international convention on load lines, 1966 (ll 66) 08 may 67 21 jul 68 protocol of 1988 (ll prot 88) 26 feb 97 03 feb 00 international convention on tonnage measurement of ships, 1969 (tonnage 69) 25 sep 72 18 jul 82 international convention relating to unified interpretation of appendix 3 to the fal convention.
Nordisk Miljörättslig Tidskrift Nordic Environmental Law Journal
Letterman, UNIDROIT´s Rules in Practice, s 65 ff. räddningsplikt i 52§ FAL skulle det uppfattas som inkonsekvent om man inte kunde få
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- Dark grey cell shading identifies a data element needed to transmit electronic messages but not used in the traditional paper versions of the FAL declarations. Analysis of FAL Convention • No new accessions in the last two and a half years (90.3% of the world's fleet by tonnage) • “Comprehensive revision of the Convention”, decided in FAL 35 (2009). Two phases: first only Annex. Later, the Convention, looking for text more binding.
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link. 14/05/18. afs.1/circ.69. international convention on the control of harmful anti-fouling systems on ships, 2001.
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Towards a Rational Philosophical Anthropology: 1: Agassi, J
På gårder med korndyrking var 65 % av denne produksjonen øko- av A Holmgren · 2018 — 2.4.3 Ytterligare bestämmelser i FAL som rör (o)laglighet.